After every add-on invocation, PHost reloads the universe and validates it briefly.

  • All configuration and data files are re-read (except for the PControl configuration itself), specification files are validated.
  • Ships with more than 100% damage are deleted.
  • Ships with invalid tow or intercept orders have their mission reset. Here, invalid means the target ship does not exist or, in case of tow, is at a different position.
  • Ships that can no longer cloak are decloaked. This can happen if they have too little fuel, are damaged, or had their mission changed.

► Note: Note that this is not a full host file check. For example, it will not complain if a ship is overloaded. Effectively, PHost trusts add-ons. It just tidies up some things which add-ons often forget.

► Note: Since this check is run after every add-on invocation, ships may decloak earlier when an add-on is used than they would if no add-on were used.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at