During the v4.0 line, PHost learned a lot more about fairness.

Per-Player Id Order: Often, they who come first have an advantage. And, often, low-Id ships are chosen first. To lessen the effects of ship Ids to the game, PHost now does certain things in per-player Id order: every players' ships operate in ascending Id order, but all players' sequences are randomly interwoven. This provides fairness while still keeping the predictability of Id order.

Mines destroy Mines: Overlapping mines do now all explode simultaneously, instead of when they're laid. In addition to making things like Starbase+ and ACP function properly, this also provides fairness. It no longer depends on your Id numbers how many mines you lose when someone else drops some torps inside your minefield carpet.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.