Parameter 1 (I): Id of target ship

This mission can be used to repair another ship. The ship using this mission must have the Repairs function.

If the ship doing the repair mission is undamaged, it will repair all damage on the target ship. If the repairing ship is damaged, it will not be able to fully repair the target ship: if the repair ship has 10% damage, the target ship will only be repaired up to a damage level of 10%.

The repair ship and the target ship cannot move themselves while they are working. Their speed will be reset to warp 0. They can be towed or chunneled, though.


  • ship has Repairs function
  • ship has fuel
  • target ship exists and is not the same as the repair ship
  • target ship is at same position as repair ship
  • both ships are owned by the same player, have a bidirectional ship-level alliance, or matching friendly codes
  • ship has less damage than target

Relevant PControl Stage: SpecialMissions_1

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It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at