Abbreviation for "Battle Simulator", a program to set up and evaluate battles before they actually happen in the game, used to plan and try your strategies.
Multi-ship simulators allow you to simulate matchups of many ships.
- BSim by Thomas Voigt, simulates PHost 2 combat internally, uses the host program to resolve other combat.
- CCBSim is the simulator from PCC, it does HOST combat as well as PHost 2 to PHost 4 internally.
- AFSim by Sean Martens uses Tim's VCR to resolve combat.
- Tanascius simulates combat using a built-in HOST VCR.
- PlayVCR has a built-in simulator ("CCBSim 2") since December 2006. It supports HOST combat as well as PHost 2 to PHost 4.
Simpler simulators only allow you to simulate one ship against another one.
- VPA includes a simulator for HOST combat.
- EchoView includes a simulator for HOST and PHost combat.
- Sim by Tim Wisseman is a simple simulator for HOST combat.