Many formulas depend on the mass of a ship. There are three different masses which are of interest: hull mass, total mass, and combat mass.

  • The Hull_mass is just the mass of the empty hull, it is used for various effects affecting the hull of a ship, or devices built into the hull.
  • The Total_ship_mass is the total weight of the ship.
  • The Combat_mass is defined in the Combat section, and describes a ship's weapon resistance.
Total_ship_mass =
   + Fuel + Supplies + Colonists                (cargo)
   + Tritanium + Molybdenum + Duranium          (cargo)
   + Torpedoes + Fighters                       (ammunition)
   + Num_torp_launchers * Torp_launcher_mass    (weight of torpedo launchers)
   + Num_beams * Beam_mass                      (weight of beam weapons)

Note that fighter bays do not have weight (they are built into the hull, and are included in its weight). Money, engines and crew don't weigh anything as well.

Masses are recomputed from the ship's data whenever they are needed. If your ship's cargo changes, its mass changes as well.

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