Using the colonize mission, ships can land on planets, be unloaded and disassembled, to start a new colony. You use that only if you want to get rid of a ship, normally, it suffices to unload colonists to start a colony.

Colonist_clans_on_planet =
   Colonist_clans_on_ship + Trunc(Ship_crew / 100) + 1

Neutronium_added_to_planet =

Money_added_to_planet =

Tritanium_added_to_planet =
   Tritanium_on_ship + Trunc(RecycleRate * Tritanium_built_into_ship / 100)
      Tritanium_built_into_ship =
         + Engine_tritanium_cost * Num_engines
         + Beam_tritanium_cost * Num_beams
         + Torp_launcher_tritanium_cost * Num_torp_launchers

Duranium and Molybdenum are recycled according to the same formula as Tritanium.

Note that ammunition on the ship is not recycled, and does not yield minerals for the colony.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at