("Load Fighter Minerals") Automatically loads minerals for building fighters, and build these fighters. This code replaces the Build Fighters mission, which requires you to manually load the minerals. Unlike that mission, it can also works for other races. Generally, lfm is considered a special ability of Rebels, Robots and Colonies, but PHost 4.0e and later allow hosts to enable it to everyone.

Actually, this action has two parts:

  • First, it loads up minerals and supplies from the planet into the ship's cargo hold. Each fighter requires 3 kt Tritanium, 2 kt Molybdenum and 5 supplies (configurable, ShipFighterCost).
  • Second, it builds fighters from the minerals in cargo. In particular, this will also process the minerals you loaded into the cargo hold manually.

You can also use the Gather-build fighters mission instead of this friendly code.


  • ship has fighter bays
  • ship has fuel
  • fighter building is enabled for ship owner (AllowBuildFighters)
  • ship is at a friendly planet (otherwise, only minerals from cargo hold will be processed)

Relevant PControl Stage: BuildFighters

Relevant Configuration Option: AllowBuildFighters

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.