Syntax: remote control|drop <id>

Syntax: remote forbid|allow <id>

Syntax: remote forbid|allow default

Syntax: remote give <id> [to] <race>

Enabled by: CPEnableRemote

Files modified: auxdata.hst

Since: PHost 3.0 ("give": 4.0e/3.4h)

This command is the interface to the Remote Control feature in PHost. See there for more details.

The command has four purposes:

  • The control sub-command is used to gain control of an ally's ship, the drop command gives it back. The ally must have offered you a ship-level alliance, and must have allowed the specified ship to be remote-controlled.
  • (4.0e) The give sub-command can be used to place a ship under remote control by an ally. It is perfectly identical to remote allow with the ally immediately doing remote control, with the difference that only the ship owner needs to send a command, saving some coordination overhead. All other restrictions remain; in particular, you must be allied.

  • When used with a ship Id, the forbid sub-command prevents your allies from taking remote control over that ship, the allow sub-command allows it again. When you forbid remote control of a ship which is under allied control, you'll get the ship back.
  • When used with the keyword default, forbid and allow select the allow/forbid state for ships built after this command is processed. When a game starts, PHost assumes allow for all players.


remote control 42request to be given remote control over ship 42
re c 42same, but abbreviated
re a 42allow ship 42 to be remote controlled
rem forbid defall ships you build in the future will not be available for remote control by default

(3.4c) Remote control commands are processed in the order (1) drop, (2) allow and forbid, (3) request, (4) give. In particular, you can allow remote control for a ship and have your ally control it in one turn. Earlier PHost versions process commands in whichever order they come in, so this maneuver can fail when the control request is processed before the allow.

Conflict Resolution: Commands are executed in order received, therefore the last one takes effect.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at