word      Minefield 1 Center X
word      Minefield 1 Center Y
word      Minefield 1 Id
word      Minefield 2 Center X
word      Minefield 2 Center Y
word      Minefield 2 Id
long      Minefield Units Lost

Sent when: two minefields explode due to overlap

Sent to: all players

This record reports the locations and Id numbers of the two minefields, and the number of mine units removed from each of the fields.

This record is sent when minefield losses are symmetric: two minefields overlap, both lose the same amount. In some cases, losses might not be symmetric. PHost will then send a type 53 record for each affected field.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.