- pconfig.src: main configuration file.
- shiplist.txt, hullfunc.txt: ship list configuration file, see Setting up Hull Functions. If shiplist.txt exists, hullfunc.txt is not read.
- wormhole.txt: Wormhole data.
- auxdata.hst: stores additional data, like alliances, remote control, cheat check information.
- check.log: log file of last turn check (-c). This file is intended to be given to players.
- check2.log: like check.log, but this one includes the result of the host data file check, too.
- extmines.hst: stores minefields #501 .. #10000, in the same format as mines.hst.
- shipscan.ext: ship scan information.
- turnstat.log: turn status log. A human-readable text file listing the turn submission status over the whole game.
- xterncmd.ext: add-on command messages.
- xtrfcode.txt: special friendly codes definition file.
Version 20250307-T