Your comments, suggestions, and bug reports are appreciated.

  • You can mail directly to the PHost group at . Bug reports are probably best directed there.
  • Talk about PHost and related things, often quite technical, happens on the phostdev mailing list. This is the ideal place for ideas for new rules, development of add-ons, and so on.
  • General discussion of VGA Planets happens in the newsgroup. This groups is mainly for players; rule questions ("how do I...") and strategies are discussed here.

We usually read the mailing list and the newsgroup, but the safest and fastest way to contact the PHost group is .

Before sending in a bug report, please try to make sure...

  • ...that you're using the latest PHost version. Maybe we've already fixed your bug.
  • ...that you've really found a bug. The complexities of this game can make it very easy to think a bug exists when in fact it is just an artifact of how the game works. It probably helps to talk to other experienced players whether the observed behavior actually is a bug.

This is not to discourage bug reports, quite the opposite. Handling bug reports is a very time consuming process being handled by people with limited time. Spurious reports only serve to slow down the fixing of real bugs. However, if in doubt, send it. A bug which turns out to be a feature is much better than a bug not fixed because no-one reported it.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at