This mission instructs a ship with torpedo launchers to convert the torpedoes into mines. The mines are laid in a circular mine field around the starship position. If the ship already is inside a "compatible" mine field, that field is enlarged (PHost chooses the mine field with the lowest Id, while HOST chooses the one with the nearest center).

The number of mines laid is Torps * TorpType^2 * UnitsPerTorpRate. The radius of the mine field is the square root of the number of units. For details, see Mine Laying formulas.

The actual mine laying order differs between PHost versions, see description of the MineLaying stage.

If the new minefield overlaps an enemy minefield, overlapping mines will explode. With AlternativeMinesDestroyMines enabled, this will happen immediately after the new field is laid; with that option disabled, all overlaps will be resolved at once in MinesDestroyMines.


Relevant Friendly Codes:

  • miX (registered only): lays a mine field that belongs to race X.
  • mdX (registered only): lays the specified number of mines only.

Related Missions:

Relevant Configuration Options: AllowMinefields, AllowMinesDestroyMines, AllowMinesDestroyWebs, AlternativeMinesDestroyMines, MaximumMinefieldRadius, MineIdNeedsPermission, UnitsPerTorpRate.

Relevant PControl Stage: MineLaying.

Relevant Formulas: Mine Laying.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at