VPHost is a "near-substitute" of the HOST/PHost program, relying upon only a small fraction of HOST's or PHost's functionality. Almost all other functions are performed within VPHost itself.

When you use VPHost, you should invoke PHost with the -V command line (see below). This flag is necessary because VPHost removes all TRN files (after making copies in *.ORG files) and then processes the commands within those files by itself. Unfortunately, this means that all of the command processor commands sent by players are never seen by PHost. The -V flag tells PHost to look for player*.org files instead of player*.trn files and to only process command processor commands from those files (ignoring all other commands, which will be performed by VPHost).

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.