Damage_taken =
   Trunc(100 * MineHitDamageFor100KT / Hull_mass)
                     ...for normal mines
   Trunc(100 * WebHitDamageFor100KT / Hull_mass)
                     ...for web mines

Other effects of a mine hit (all of them are checked, in this order):

  • if the ship hit a web mine, it burns Max(WebHitFuelLoss, Fuel/6) fuel, and stops (warp 0).
  • if the ship is Lizard and has 150% damage or more, it explodes. Lizard ships with more than 100% damage are permitted to continue their move (and thus bring their towee home, for example), but will explode after their movement is finished.
  • if the ship is not Lizard and has 100% damage or more, it explodes.
  • if the ship exceeds the DamageLevelForCloakFail, it de-cloaks (this affects its mine hit odds for further movement, if any).
  • if the ship has hardened engines, it continues movement normally (unless it hit a web mine, in which case its speed is now 0).
  • otherwise,
    • if HullTechNotSlowedByMines = 0, its speed is recomputed according to the speed limit formula at the beginning of this section. It continues movement for the remaining time with that speed. In other words, Permitted_dist is reduced to Distance_moved + New_max_dist * (1.0 - Movement_time_used).
    • otherwise, if Hull_tech < HullTechNotSlowedByMines, the ship's Permitted_dist is reduced by 10 ly. For example, a regular ship moving at Warp 9 has a Permitted_dist of 81 ly. The first mine hit reduces that to 71 ly, the second one to 61 ly, and so on.
    • otherwise, if Hull_tech ≥ HullTechNotSlowedByMines, the ship continues moving normally.
This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.