("Beam Transfer") The starship will transfer cargo to enemy (foreign) ships at the same location in space. If there are several ships, the cargo is split in equal portions.

  • btf Transfer fighters
  • btm Transfer money
  • btt Transfer torpedoes

You can also use the Transfer Torpedoes, Transfer Fighters and Transfer Fighters missions instead of these friendly codes.

(4.0h) Alternatively, you can use the command transfer to transfer fighters, money and torpedoes like with a normal ship-to-foreign-ship transfer.

These friendly codes will transfer stuff to all foreign ships, including cloaked ones.


  • ship has goods to transfer
  • at least one foreign ship at the same position which can carry the transferred goods (i.e. matching weapon type for btt and btf); can be cloaked.
  • You do not need fuel for this action

Relevant PControl Stage: BeamTransfers

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.