(4.0e) Hosts can also provide PHost with a list of commands to execute on players' behalf. Directly after Auxhost1, PHost reads a file auxcmds.txt and executes the commands contained therein. The file consists of lines of the form race: command, similar to xterncmds.ext. The command would then be executed (almost) as if it were contained in race's turn file.

There are some important differences between commands contained in this file and commands from turn files, though:

  • Commands read from this file bypass all configuration restrictions. Even if CPEnableAllies is off, PHost will accept (and execute) allies commands from auxcmds.txt.
  • Execution order differs slightly. Normal remote control and alliance commands are performed before Auxhost1 (the latter only if DelayAllianceCommands is off, which is the default), whereas auxcmds.txt is read afterwards. Therefore, the complete mission ordering is
    1. perform all alliance changes from TRN files
    2. perform all remote control commands from TRN files, in the order "give", "allow/forbid", "control", "give"
    3. Auxhost1 runs here
    4. perform all alliance changes from auxcmds.txt
    5. perform all remote control commands from auxcmds.txt, in the order "give", "allow/forbid", "control", "give"
    In particular, a remote control from a turn file can fail if the necessary alliance is not established until step four, and a remote forbid from auxcmds.txt overrides a remote allow from a turn file.
  • For plug-compatibility with externalized commands, commands may have a colon immediately after the command word, as in 6: allies: add 4 ("the Cyborgs offer an alliance to the Klingons")
  • The message, rumor and xtern commands are not accepted in this file, nor are addressed commands.

PHost will delete the auxcmds.txt file after executing the commands.

Example: If a host wants to set up permanent treaties between certain races, he would set CPEnableAllies = No (so players cannot modify alliances) and host turn one with a auxcmds.txt file containing, for example,

3: allies add 5
5: allies add 3
3: allies config 5 +s +p +m +c +v
5: allies config 3 +s +p +m +c +v

(This file is equivalent to running pally -t 35)

(4.0i) In addition to the normal commands, there are also special control commands for hosts.

Those can be executed by prefixing the command with "control:" instead of a player number, for example,

control: inhibit 7 cloak

These commands are described below. These commands are executed while they are read, in the order in which they come in, at the beginning of Auxhost1.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.