To offer or revoke privileges, you use the allies config command, like this:

allies config 5 +m ~c -s

The number is again the ally's player number. The following parameters specify the levels to offer:

+privOffer privilege unconditionally
~privOffer privilege conditionally
-privWithdraw privilege
+/-shipsOffer/withdraw ship level
+/-planetsOffer/withdraw planet level
+/-minesOffer/withdraw mine level
+/-combatOffer/withdraw combat level
+/-visionOffer/withdraw vision level

The privilege codes can abbreviated up to their first letter, as has been shown in the example command. The example command would offer mine level unconditionally, combat conditionally, and not offer ship level.

The alliance levels are described in detail below.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at