Syntax: send <item>

Aktiviert über: CPEnableSend

Seit: PHost 2.0

Mit diesem Befehl kannst du eine Datei von PHost anfordern. Diese Datei wird mit einem Dateitransfer in util.dat übermittelt, wo ein Client-Programm sie empfangen kann.

Die folgenden Dateien können angefordert werden:

send racenamesSends you the current race names (race.nm). Message-scanning programs usually need these to understand your messages; and of course it helps when all players talk about the same race names, so everyone agrees who is playing The Frogs today. Players who use registered Winplan or compatible always get the current race names in a special section of their result file. (v2.9d)
send configSends you the current configuration (pconfig.src). Several clients use that file to adapt their predictions to the actual game configuration. (v2.0)
send fcodesSends you a list with the current special friendly codes (xtrfcode.txt). This file just lists all special friendly codes. (v3.0)
This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at