word      Function Id
word      Basic Function
word      Experience Level Mask

Sent when: there are level-restricted ship functions in the game

Sent to: all players

This entry reports the numbers PHost uses for modified special functions in record 52. The Function Id field is the number appearing in record 52 (e.g. 65). The Basic Function is the special function assigned to the ship, e.g. 10 for AntiCloak. The Experience Level Mask contains a bitfield of all experience levels at which this device works. Bit 0 means the basic level, bit 1 means level 1, and so on.

Each turn, the assignments will be reported identically to all players. The assignments may change between turns, though.

In case PHost adds more modifiers in the future, this record will be extended to contain the new definitions, too.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.