Wormholes have two endpoints. Both endpoints have an Id number; unlike the other Id number sequences, wormholes are numbered starting from zero. A wormhole can be unidirectional or bidirectional. A unidirectional wormhole only allows travel from the lower-numbered (even) endpoint to the higher-numbered (odd) one, whereas bidirectional wormholes allow travel in both directions.

Wormholes have a mass. This mass affects various things:

  • Radius of the entry/exit point. The larger the mass, the larger the wormhole.
  • Visibility range. Large wormholes can be seen farther than small ones.
  • How safe it is for large ships to travel through the wormhole. Ships which are heavier than the wormhole have only a small probability to successfully pass through a wormhole.

Wormholes have an instability. The higher the instability, the higher the risk for a ship of getting damaged during a wormhole travel.

The wormhole endpoints can move towards a waypoint, and otherwise have general jitter. The wormhole disappears if both endpoints reach the same position. Likewise, the mass and instability of a wormhole can change over time.

See also: Wormhole formulas, Wormhole-related configuration items.

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