Note on Cloaking: Ships that are ordered to cloak (using the mission cloak or super spy or one of its substitutes) start the turn cloaked if they fulfill the conditions for cloaking. Later on, they can only de-cloak; once they are de-cloaked, they stay uncloaked for the rest of the turn.

All places where cloaking can fail have been identified in this list. Note, however, that add-on programs may cancel cloaking as well. In addition, cloaking immediately fails whenever a ship has too little fuel or too much damage after an add-on invocation.

Injected Commands:

(4.0e) Commands "injected" using auxcmds.txt are processed at the very beginning of phase 2.

Wormhole Scanning

In PHost versions up to 4.0d, Wormhole scanning happens here. In 4.0e and later, it happens after terraforming.

Starbase Tech Downgrades

Tech levels of starbases are downgraded here. A starbase owned by an unregistered player cannot have more than Tech 7 for engines, Tech 6 for other areas, unless it was built with the right natives. This check applies when a registered player slot is taken over by an unregistered player. Over-high tech levels are reduced without compensation.

This stage has no effect on registered players' bases.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at