Parameter 1 (I): Receiving ship Id

Parameter 2 (T): Number of fighters to transfer (0=all)

This mission is intended as a replacement or addition to the btf friendly code. Parameter 1 is the Id number of the ship to receive the fighters. It must be at the same position as the giving ship. Parameter 2 specifies the number of fighters to transfer. Setting this value to zero will transfer all fighters. When the receiving ship doesn't have enough cargo space, the sender will keep the excess fighters.

(3.4b) In PHost 3.4a and before, the two ships can not belong to the same race. In 3.4b and later, ownership doesn't matter.

(4.0h) You can also use the transfer command instead of this mission.


  • both ships have fighter bays
  • both ships are at same position
  • no fuel required

Relevant PControl Stage: BeamTransfers.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at