Default: 96 (Cobol)

Numeric Value: 13

The ramscoop gathers thin interstellar matter, compresses it and turns it into neutronic fuel usable by standard starship engines.

The ramscoop produces RamScoopFuelPerLY kilotons of fuel for each light year the ship moves normally. The ramscoop does not work when the ship is being towed (up to PHost 4.0e/3.4h, intercepting ships don't get fuel, too). This can easily yield a net gain of fuel, hence ramscoop ships can travel large distances without needing to refuel at a planet.

► Note: The ramscoop's fuel is produced after movement is complete. A ship which has 5 kt fuel can burn only these 5 kt during movement. Even if the ship produces much more fuel, it cannot use it for its movement this turn. Therefore it is possible for a Ramscoop ship to run out of fuel during movement, but still end the turn with a full tank.

Operating the ramscoop does not require fuel. If a fuelless ship manages to move normally (AllowNoFuelMovement), it will produce fuel and end the turn with fuel.


  • Ramscoop + Cloak/AdvancedCloak
  • ► 

    (4.0i/3.4k) The Ramscoop produces only half the normal amount of fuel while the ship is cloaked.

Preconditions for ramscoop:

  • Ship moves normally (not being towed, not hyperjumping)

Relevant Configuration Option: RamScoopFuelPerLY.

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It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at