Default: none

Numeric Value: 24

A Level 2 Tractor beam is stronger than the standard tractor beam most ships have.

Ships with Level 2 Tractor beam are stronger than others.

  • (4.0j) With AllowAlternativeTowing enabled, the ship behaves as if it had two additional standard engines, or one additional gravitonic engine.

  • With HOST-compatible towing, ships with Level 2 Tractor beam always win over those without. Until PHost 4.0i, this behaviour also applied to alternative towing.

The Level 2 Tractor beam only has an effect if the ship has fuel and a nonzero warp factor. If it has no fuel or does not want to move, its tractor beam is turned off and so even the added strength has no effect.

(4.0i) Ships with Level2Tow can automatically tow. In PHost up to version 4.0h, they would have to fulfill the other conditions for towing, too. For example, a one-engine ship could not tow under the old rules even if it has Level2Tow; under the new rules, it can.

See Mission Tow, Tow conflict resolution.

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It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at