Syntax: rumor <player...>

Syntax: rumor universal

Since: PHost 1.0 ("universal" since 2.6b)

This command is like message (see there for a description of the parameters), but it will be sent without an identification of the sender. The receiver will not know who sent the rumor.

You can also make a message anonymous by placing the character sequence *w* somewhere in it; you need not use this command.

PHost also accepts the spelling rumour for this command.

► Note: In PHost versions prior to 3.4c, this command didn't guarantee anonymity. In 3.4c and later, it does. It's just more fun this way :-)

► Note: Note that when anonymous messages are disabled in the game configuration, the message will be delivered with sender identification.

Relevant Configuration Options: AllowPlayerMessages, AllowAnonymousMessages.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at