Yes No
Default Value
Yes for Fed/Lizard/Bird, No for rest
PHost only!
Yes No
Default Value
PHost only!

These options configure who is immune to anti-cloak ships, i.e. whose ships are not de-cloaked.

The races for which AntiCloakImmunity is enabled are immune in any case. This is exactly the same as if these ships were given the Anti-Cloak Immunity ship function.

With alternative anti-cloak behavior enabled, the owner of the anti-cloak ship and his ship-level allies are immune. AntiCloakImmunity is commonly set to No in this case.

Advanced Anti-Cloak ships will also decloak ships that are immune against normal anti-cloak.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at