Yes No
Default Value
PHost only!

This option contains 11 values, one for each player. It controls the generation of RST files. The DOS client program (planets.exe) has a limit of 50 scanned enemy ships (targets) per turn. Many replacement programs do not have this limit.

With this option disabled, PHost will only report the closest 50 ships, excess targets will be reported via util.dat. With this option enabled, PHost will report all targets. Players must then use a client program which can handle that many. Note that most current client programs that can deal with more than 50 targets will also find the targets in util.dat, so use of this option is not required to see everything. However, some older programs such as VPUtil need it.

This option has no effect for players using the registered Windows client (Winplan). Those always get all targets, in a special section of the RST which only Winplan (and compatible) handles.

Players can use the bigtargets command to change their value for this option.

When you set up a game, you should set this option to No.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at