word      Minefield Center X
word      Minefield Center Y
word      Minefield Id
long      Minefield Units Lost

Sent when: two minefields explode due to overlap

Sent to: all players

This record is not currently generated by PHost. It was used by a prototype of the MinesDestroyMines stage, but later turned out to be not necessary. However, it doesn't hurt to have it.

Normally, when two minefields overlap, both lose the same number of mine units. That is reported with record 29. This record reports asymmetric losses. When two minefields lose different amounts, both will be reported with a type-53 record. PHost will mix type-53 and type-29 as it sees fit.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.