Lizard ships with beam weapons can Hisssssss. When orbiting a planet, they'll send frightening video transmissions and other fine things down to the planet. The population, scared by the thought of mighty Lizards stomping through their cities and hissssssing at everybody will make them pay their taxes and be happy (sort-of) instead of starting riots.

Hissssing increases the happiness of the planet by HissEffectRate per hisssssing ship. This happens before actual taxation, so it will first bring happiness up before taxation brings it down again.


  • ship has fuel
  • ship has beams
  • ship is over a planet (no matter who owns it)

Relevant Configuration Options: AllowHiss, HissEffectRate, MaxShipsHissing.

Relevant PControl Stage: SpecialMissions_1.

Relevant Formulas: Hiss.

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It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at