Parameter 1 (I): Id of target ship

Parameter 2 (T): Number of crewmen to exchange (0=all)

This mission is only valid on Academy ships. It will attempt to exchange crew between the academy ship and a target ship. Usually, the result will be that the inexperienced or decimated crew from the target ship will be replaced by experienced crew from the Academy ship. This mission will be handled like all other crew changes.

Parameter 2 specifies the number of crewmen to exchange. You cannot specify more than your academy ship has crewmen. If the specified value is less than the number of crewmen on both ships, crew will simply exchanged in a straightforward manner. If it is larger than the number of crewmen currently on the target ship, the complete crew from the target will be removed, and replaced by the given number of people from the academy ship. The academy ship will never receive more crew than it gives.

Examples: The following examples assume that the academy ship "A" has 3000 crewmen, and the target "T" has 500 out of 1000.

100Takes 100 crewmen from each ship, and adds them to the respective other ship. A will end the turn with 2900 of its crewmen plus 100 of T, T will end the turn with 400 of its original crewmen plus 100 from A.
600Takes all 500 crewmen from T and places them on A, 600 from A will move to T.
9999Takes all 500 crewmen from T and places them on A, 1000 from A will move to T.
0same as above

Experience changes through this mission take effect immediately. New experience will be computed according to the usual formulas on both sides (Crew_experience, Tech_experience.

For example, assume that the Academy ship has 3000 crewmen with 2500 EP; the target has 500 with 100 EP, and we're exchanging 1000 crewmen (example 2 from above). EPRecrewScaling is at the standard value 30. This will lead to the following computation:

Academy ship:
       = 500          taken from target
       = 3000 - 1000  original crew minus given crew
       = ((Old_crew * Old_experience) + (New_crew * New_experience))
           / (Old_crew + New_crew)
       = ((2000 * 2500) + (500 * 100)) / 3000
       = 1683
       = 3000
       = 30% * 3000 + 70% * 1683
       = 2078

Target ship:
       = 1000         taken from academy ship
       = 0            everyone went to academy ship
       = ((Old_crew * Old_experience) + (New_crew * New_experience))
           / (Old_crew + New_crew)
       = 2500
       = 100
       = 30% * 100 + 70% * 2500
       = 1780

That is, the Academy ship's experience dropped by one third whereas the target's experience rose by many points.


  • ship has Academy function
  • ship has fuel
  • target ship exists and is not the same as the academy ship
  • target ship is at same location as academy ship
  • both ships are owned by the same player, have a bidirectional ship-level alliance, or matching friendly codes

Relevant PControl Stage: CrewExchange

Relevant Configuration Option: EPRecrewScaling, NumExperienceLevels

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at