Parameter 1 (I): Maximum number of torps to lay (0=all)

Parameter 2 (T): Minefield Id (0=first)

This mission is like Lay Web Mines, but you can specify the minefield to add the mines to.

Parameter 1 specifies the number of torpedoes to lay; it may be zero to lay all torpedoes.

Parameter 2 specifies the mine field Id to add to. This must be a valid web mine field number, and your ship must be inside the field; a new web mine field will not be made if the specified minefield Id is nonzero. When parameter 2 is zero, this mission is no different than the normal web laying mission.

(3.4c) The miX friendly code is ignored when parameter 2 designates a valid minefield Id. In PHost version 3.4b and below, the friendly code must correspond to the minefield owner if you're enlarging someone else's minefield.


  • ship has fuel
  • ship has torpedoes
  • ship is inside the designated minefield

Relevant Friendly Code:

  • miX (registered only): lays a mine field that belongs to race X. Only used when parameter 2 is zero.

Related Missions:

Relevant Configuration Options: (see Lay Mines mission)

Relevant PControl Stage: MineLaying.

Relevant Formulas: Mine Laying.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at