Default: none

Numeric Value: 37

Commander ships can aid other ships in battle, by their mere presence. They are lead by charismatic commanders, who provide mental support to the other ships' commanders and weapon officers.

A ship affected by the aura of a Commander ship will behave as if it had one more experience level (unless that would exceed the experience level of the Commander ship). For example, a Level-3 Commander ship will improve all your inexperienced ships by one level for the duration of the battle, except for those ships which are already Level-3 or higher.

Preconditions: The following preconditions define whether a Commander ship will affect another ship.

  • Commander ship is at same position as other ship.
  • Commander ship has fuel.
  • Commander ship has higher experience than other ship.
  • Commander ship belongs to the same player as the other ship, or the players are allied and have a mutual combat-level alliance.

The improved experience level only affects combat behaviour. Affected ships do not temporarily receive extra ship functions, even if their temporary combat level would grant them some (see level-restricted ship functions). The effect does not "stack": ships receive at most one bonus. If a ship is affected by multiple Commanders, only the one with the highest experience level takes effect.

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