Default: 9 (Brynhild), 96 (Cobol)
Numeric Value: 17
Bioscanning is part of the normal Sensor sweep mission, see there for more information.
When a planet is in scan range (SensorRange) and has less than 20 defense posts, bioscanners have a 20% chance to detect native life on the planet. You will receive a message reporting the population and race of the natives as well as the planet temperature. Bioscanners will also detect when a planet has no natives. You will not receive bioscanner reports for your own planets.
Special rules:
- The Evil Empire is able to fake bioscanner reports. All Empire planets with natives will be reported as having Amorphous natives instead of the actual race.
- If the bioscanner is owned by the Rebels, the Empire can not fake the reports; Rebels always see the true native race.
- PHost will combine bioscan reports. When you see a planet by means of a true bioscan (Rebels) as well as a faked one (Empire planet), it will report the true race.
Preconditions for Sensor Sweep (and Bioscanning):
- ship has fuel
Relevant Configuration Options: AllowBioscanners, SensorRange.