These are the major areas where PHost differs from the standard host:

  • Combat. PHost does combat different than the standard host. Due to the way combat works, you must watch PHost combat with a different program than "normal" combat.
  • Configuration. Instead of a hconfig.hst file and a menu-driven configuration editor, PHost uses the pconfig.src text file.
  • Extended Missions. PHost offers a few more ship missions. Players must be able to set those.
  • utilX.dat. In addition to the normal RST files, utilX.dat contains all the information players receive by message, plus some more information for use by client-side programs.
  • Additional features. PHost has some additional features you should be aware of. This is more a matter of knowledge than programs.
  • Differences. Some rules are handled differently than in Host. Some subtle tricks don't work, some new subtleties were added. This is also more a matter of knowledge than code.
This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at