Triggers the Glory Device when a cloaked ship belonging to the primary enemy is found at the same location. With the Kill mission, any cloaked enemy ship triggers the device.


  • Ship needs fuel to detonate
  • The glory device only triggers when it finds a cloaked enemy ship (as defined by primary enemy or mission). It does not detonate when it finds uncloaked ships, nor when the Glory ship owner offers ship level to the cloaked ship owner.
  • With the High-damage Glory Device (which is the "smaller" of the two Glory Devices), trg does not find cloaked ships that have the Anti-cloak Immunity function or which are immune through the AntiCloakImmunity configuration option.

Relevant Formulas: Glory Device.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at