Syntax: show minefield|planet|ship <id> [to] <player...>

Enabled by: CPEnableShow

Since: PHost 4.0h

This command can be used to send information about an object to another player. It is very similar to establishing a mine level, planet level or ship level alliance, respectively, but it allows you to give out information selectively.

The commands can only be given by the real owner of the object. If you remote-control a ship, you can not use this command for that ship, only the real ship owner can do that.

show minefieldThis command generates a mine scan message and the corresponding util.dat entry. It does not grant the receiver any special rights against the minefield, though (he will not be immune).
show planetThis command generates a planet target in util.dat. This will not grant the receiver any special rights against the planet.
show shipThis command generates a normal ship target. The receiver will then be able to intercept the ship (because you can intercept any ship you see), but no other special rights are given.

The information will be sent at the end of the turn, and contain the new state of the object; if you lose the object during the turn, the command will be silently ignored. If you wish to send now-current information (i.e. information which is outdated when it reaches the receiver), you can do that without PHost's intervention, for example by using the data transfer feature of some clients.

► Note: You can not intercept a ship in the same turn your friend does show ship - you have to wait until you see the ship in your result file. This is the same with alliances.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at