Syntax: racename get

Syntax: racename long|short|adjective <name>

Enabled by: CPEnableRaceName

Files modified: race.nm

Since: PHost 1.0

This command can be used to request or change your race name.

  • The get sub-command takes no further arguments, and returns a message listing your three race names (long, short, adjective).
  • The long sub-command modifies your long race name ("The Lizard Alliance"). The long name can be up to 30 characters. It is used mainly for headings (in client programs, and in sub-space messages).
  • The short sub-command modifies your short race name ("The Lizards"). This name can be up to 20 characters. It is used in the score table, and in client programs ("This ship is owned by The Lizards").
  • The adjective sub-command modifies your adjective ("Lizard"). The adjective is limited to 12 characters. It is used in messages elsewhere ("We have captured a Lizard ship").
This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at