Syntax: allies add|drop <player...>

Syntax: allies config <player> <flags...>

Enabled by: CPEnableAllies

Files modified: auxdata.hst

Since: PHost 1.0 (conditional privileges: 2.0)

The three sub-commands of the allies command are used to set up formal alliances.

  • The add sub-command offers an alliance to the specified players, or acknowledges a pending offer. An alliance is active when both players have used add to declare each other as friends. The parameter list contains the player numbers, 1 for Feds to 11 (not B!) for Colonies.
  • The drop sub-command cancels an alliance resp. withdraws an offer. Like add, it takes a list of player numbers as parameters.
  • The config sub-command sets the privileges of an ally. The first parameter is the race, the following are alliance levels. The alliance must have been established completely for this command to take effect, but you can send it in the same turn you offer your alliance initially.
    +privOffer privilege unconditionally
    ~privOffer privilege conditionally
    -privWithdraw privilege
    +/-shipsOffer/withdraw ship level
    +/-planetsOffer/withdraw planet level
    +/-minesOffer/withdraw mine level
    +/-combatOffer/withdraw combat level
    +/-visionOffer/withdraw vision level
    As usual, the privilege codes can be abbreviated up to their first letter.


allies add 8offer alliance to player 8, or accept alliance offered by player 8
a a 8same
allies config 8 +mines +visionoffer mine and vision level to player 8
allies config 8 ~comoffer combat level conditionally, that is, player 8 can only use it when he offers it, too
a c 8 ~csame
a d 1drop alliance with player 1

For details about alliance mechanics, see the page about alliances.

Relevant Configuration Options: CPEnableAllies, DelayAllianceCommands.

Relevant PControl Stages: depending on DelayAllianceCommands, all alliance commands are performed just before Auxhost1 or just after Auxhost2.

See also: enemies command

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at