This dialog configures the starchart as well as all other starchart views displayed throughout the program. It consists of multiple pages.

On every page, there is a small menu with an S button. Use this to choose where the settings from this page are stored:

  • User configuration file: your general pcc2.ini file (in $HOME/.pcc2 under Unix, %APPDATA%\PCC2 under Windows), valid for all games.
  • Game configuration file: pcc2.ini file in the game directory, valid for this game only.

Display page

Configures what objects you want to see. For circular objects (ion storms, minefields, ufos), you can also configure whether you want them filled (green "F") or outlined (blue "X"). For the sector borders, there is an additional possibility "I" to restrict sector borders to the "inside" of a circular wrapped map. Drawing the sector borders outside the map is very expensive so it's possible to turn it off.

Regular starcharts, small-size starcharts and scanners can be configured differently. Click the checkbox to the right of the object name to set the value for all three configurations at once. Click the "+" to the left of the name to show separate options for the three configurations.

Geometry page

Configures your map shape and behaviour.

Normal (plane)
a normal map, with "infinite" unchartered space outside the star cluster. You can modify the Center and Size fields to adjust the position of the sector grid if your map has a nonstandard shape. The Center is the location of the center of the map (a coordinate pair, two values), the Size is the size (diameter), and can be one or two values.
Wrapped (rectangular, Sphere)
rectangular wrap. A ship exiting the map to the right enters it again on the left. This is a very popular setting these days; there are a handful add-ons implementing it and it is built into PHost. Center and Size define the size of the map, as for Normal. When you use PHost with wrap enabled, PCC2 will configure itself automatically.
Round wrap (circular, PWrap)
circular wrap. The map is not a rectangle, but a circle. Ships leaving the circle enter it again on the opposite edge. The Size here is a single value specifying the radius of the circle.

Note: For Normal and Wrapped, the Size is the side length of the rectangle. This differs from PCC 1.x where it was half of that.

Markers page

You can configure 10 markers you can quickly create from starcharts or scanners (default marker: Ctrl+M, markers 1 to 9: 1 M to 9 M).

  • Space: Pick shape and color for this marker.
  • N: Enter a name for this marker. This name is just a reminder for you and has no other effect.

Mouse page

This page configures what objects the cursor "locks on" when you press a mouse button, Space or Enter.


AltO from starchart
See also:
Settings dialog
This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at