SellSupplies amount:Int, [flags:Str]

Sell or buy supplies. Sells the specified number of supplies (for one megacredit each), or buys supplies if count is negative. You can only buy back supplies you sold this turn. Fails if you don't own the planet, or the rules forbid you to buy/sell the specified amount (because you don't have enough, maybe).

Optionally, you can specify the flag "n", as in

 SellSupplies 1000, "n"

When you can't sell/buy the specified amount, this will sell as much as possible instead of failing. The variable Build.Remainder will be set to the amount that was not sold. For example, if the planet on which you run the above command only has 650 supplies, Build.Remainder will be set to 350.

Since: PCC 1.0.19, PCC2 1.99.9

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at