CreatePlanetProperty name,...
CreateShipProperty name,...

Create new property. Parameter to this command is a list of names for the new ship/planet properties.

The properties will start out EMPTY. For example, after

  CreatePlanetProperty happy.goal

all planets will have an empty property happy.goal. You can assign to it with

  Planet(19).happy.goal := 94
  % ... or ...
  With Planet(19) Do happy.goal := 94

If a property you create with either of these commands was already created, nothing happens.

Properties created with these commands "shadow" the normal built-in properties. That is, if you create a property with the same name as a built-in property, the built-in property will become inaccessible. Be careful.

Properties are saved in the starcharts file ( If the starcharts file contains an undeclared property with an interesting value (non-EMPTY), the property is automatically declared to avoid data loss. To get rid of a property forever, set all its values to EMPTY and do no longer declare it.

Since: PCC 1.0.8, PCC2 1.99.9

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at