Cfg(key:Str, [player:Int]):Any

Access host configuration. The first parameter is the name of a configuration option as used in pconfig.src, such as "AllowHiss" or "UnitsPerTorpRate". The function returns the value of this option, an integer or string.

If the option is an array option, the second parameter can be specified to determine which player's value to get. When the second parameter is not specified for an array option, the return value is the value for your race.

Version Differences: This function was available with a different, more complicated definition in PCC 0.98.5 up to 1.0.8, under the names Cfg and CfgL.

Since: PCC 1.0.9, PCC2 1.99.8

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at