CargoUploadWait amount:Cargo, [flags:Str]

Load cargo from planet, wait until amount loaded. This command is similar to CargoUpload, see there for details about its parameters. It will try to load cargo from the planet this ship is orbiting. It will continue execution when enough cargo has been loaded.

For example,

 CargoUpload "200n"

will load 200 kt Neutronium on this ship. If the planet has more than 200 kt Neutronium, they will be loaded immediately; if the planet has less, the ship will wait for newly-mined Neutronium, or Neutronium unloaded by ships, until 200 kt have been loaded. If this ship has not enough free cargo room, it will also wait until some becomes available.

Note that when you unload cargo from this ship while CargoUploadWait is active, that cargo will be uploaded again and count towards the limit. If the planet has 100 kt fuel while you try to load 200, everything will be uploaded. If you now unload these 100 kt again, CargoUploadWait will load them up again and finish successfully, as it now has loaded 200 kt total.

Since: PCC 1.0.11, PCC2 1.99.21

See also: CargoUpload, CargoTransferWait

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