This function allows you to transfer cargo between multiple units at once. You start by selecting a cargo type. PCC2 will then display a list of all units that can carry this cargo.

Cargo is transferred through a hold space, i.e. you can move cargo into the hold space and from there onto other units. In addition, one unit (usually, the planet) can be tagged as extension of the hold space: when you try to load cargo from hold space, but it is empty, it is taken from there; when you close this dialog but still have cargo in hold space, it is moved there.

  • Left, +: Move 10 kt from hold space to this unit. With prefix argument, move that many. With Shift, move 1. With Ctrl, move 100. With Alt, move everything.
  • Right, -: Move 10 kt from this unit to hold space. Modifiers like for + can be used.
  • Space, .: Tag current unit as extension to hold space, or untag it.
  • U: Unload all units (except for tagged unit) to hold space.
  • #: Menu. This menu's items distribute cargo from hold space to all units (except for the tagged unit) according to different rules. You can also call these functions by hitting their letter directly, without going through the menu.
    • E: Distribute cargo evenly. Every unit receives the same amount.
    • F: Distribute free space evenly. Fill up all units until all have the same amount of free space.
    • P: Distribute proportionally. Give each unit cargo proportionally to their capacity.
    Note that neither of these functions will remove cargo from a unit.
  • A, Ins: Create temporary storage. You can use this to temporarily store cargo, which simplifies some maneuvers. The temporary storage must be empty before the cargo transfer can be confirmed. Up to 5 temporary storages can be created.


D from ship screen
This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at