First version of PCC2 that can execute commands.
Items introduced in this version:
- Abort
- AddCommand
- AutoBuild
- AutoTaskScreen
- Base
- BaseLock
- BaseScreen
- Bind
- Break
- BuildBase
- BuildBaseDefense
- BuildBeams
- BuildDefense
- BuildEngines
- BuildFactories
- BuildFighters
- BuildHulls
- BuildLaunchers
- BuildMines
- BuildTorps
- CAdd
- CCompare
- CDiv
- CExtract
- CMul
- CRemove
- CSub
- Continue
- ControlScreen
- Count
- CountPlanets
- CountShips
- CreateKeymap
- CreateShipProperty
- End
- EnterDirectory
- Eval
- Find
- FindPlanet
- FindShip
- FixShip
- Fleet
- FleetScreen
- For
- ForEach
- Format
- Function
- Global
- HistoryScreen
- If
- Key
- Load
- Mark
- MessageBox
- NewCircle
- NewLine
- NewLineRaw
- NewMarker
- NewRectangle
- NewRectangleRaw
- On
- Option
- Planet
- PlanetAt
- PlanetLock
- PlanetScreen
- RaceScreen
- Random
- RecycleShip
- RecycleShip (Planet Command)
- RecycleShip (Ship Command)
- Return
- RunHook
- Select
- SellSupplies
- SetColonistTax
- SetComment
- SetComment (Planet Command)
- SetComment (Ship Command)
- SetEnemy
- SetFCode
- SetMission
- SetMission (Planet Command)
- SetMission (Ship Command)
- SetName
- SetNativeTax
- SetSpeed
- SetTech
- SetWaypoint
- Ship
- ShipLock
- ShipScreen
- Starchart
- Sub
- Translate
- Try
- UI.InputNumber
- UI.Message
- UI.Update
- Unmark
- With