This file allows you to configure expressions for the search function and unit labels. Those expressions will then be available for easy selection using a drop-down menu.

PCC2 comes with predefined expressions in a file that is located in PCC2's main specification directory. It is not recommended to edit; instead, create expr.ini. Both files have the same syntax.

A new section starts with a section name in brackets:

  • [Find]: search expressions
  • [ShipLabels]: ship labels
  • [PlanetLabels]: planet labels

Within each section, each expression is defined with a line like this:

Name of Expression   [p] Expression+here
  • Name that is shown in drop-down lists.
  • Two spaces as separator.
  • For search expressions, the object type in parentheses: [p]=planets, [s]=ships, [b]=bases. Combinations like [sp]=ships and planets are allowed.
  • Finally, the actual expression.


See also:
Configuration Introduction
This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at