These commands are valid at planets and starbases, and can be used to manipulate these objects.
To execute a planet command, either call the script from an appropriate place (e.g., console called on planet screen), or use the With Planet(id) Do command.
- AutoBuild
- AutoTaxColonists
- AutoTaxNatives
- BuildBase
- BuildBaseDefense
- BuildBaseDefenseWait
- BuildBeams
- BuildDefense
- BuildDefenseWait
- BuildEngines
- BuildFactories
- BuildFactoriesWait
- BuildFighters
- BuildHulls
- BuildLaunchers
- BuildMines
- BuildMinesWait
- BuildShip
- BuildTorps
- CargoTransfer
- CargoTransferWait
- CargoUnloadAllShips
- EnqueueShip
- FixShip
- FixShipWait
- Mark
- RecycleShip
- RecycleShipWait
- SellSupplies
- SetColonistTax
- SetComment
- SetFCode
- SetMission
- SetNativeTax
- SetTech
- Unmark