PlayVCR is a graphical application. If you have used the PCC2 Installer, it will have set up an icon for you. Otherwise, you will have to start it manually. Just starting it (double-click the program) will work, but by passing additional parameters, you can customize startup. Not counting options, The following possibilities exist:

  • playvcr FILE
    (where FILE is a vcrX.dat file): start playing this file. Optionally, you can append a directory name to take the ship list from (default: same as the one containing the file), and a battle number to start playing that battle.
  • playvcr -sim [DIRECTORY]
    open battle simulator, using the ship list from the specified directory (or the current directory, if no directory given)
  • playvcr FILE.ccb
    (where FILE.ccb is a .ccb file): open battle simulator and load the specified simulation setup. Optionally, you can append a directory name to take the ship list from (default: same as the one containing the file).
  • playvcr [-dir [DIRECTORY]]
    Start with file selection.

In addition to the options -sim and -dir, PlayVCR accepts the common options and honors some environment variables.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at