This formal grammar describes expressions. Terminal symbols are in quotes, or described in text. Nonterminals are underlined.
Whenever an expression is required, PCC accepts a sequence. The only exception is the Bind elementary command, which takes or-exprs (because it has assignments := as part of its syntax).
sequence: assignment sequence ";" assignment assignment: or-expr assignment ":=" or-expr or-expr: and-expr or-expr "Or" and-expr or-expr "Xor" and-expr and-expr: not-expr and-expr "And" not-expr not-expr: comparison "Not" not-expr comparison: concat-expr comparison "=" concat-expr comparison "<" concat-expr comparison ">" concat-expr comparison "<=" concat-expr comparison ">=" concat-expr comparison "<>" concat-expr concat-expr: add-expr concat-expr "#" add-expr concat-expr "&" add-expr add-expr: mult-expr add-expr "+" mult-expr add-expr "-" mult-expr mult-expr: neg-expr mult-expr "*" neg-expr mult-expr "/" neg-expr mult-expr "\" neg-expr mult-expr "Mod" neg-expr neg-expr: pow-expr "-" neg-expr "+" neg-expr "Not" neg-expr % Note 1 pow-expr: primary-expr primary-expr "^" neg-expr primary-expr: "(" sequence ")" string-literal integer-literal float-literal "True" % Note 2 "False" % Note 2 "Pi" % Note 3 identifier invocation* invocation: "(" arguments ")" "." identifier % Note 4 "->" identifier % Note 4 arguments: nothing sequence ("," sequence)* identifier: sequence of letters, "$", "_", digits, ".", not starting with a digit or period not ending with a period string-literal: "'" (any character except for "'")* "'" """ (any character except for """ and "\", or "\" followed by any character) """ integer-literal: digit digit* A value is an integer if it fits into 32 bits. Otherwise, it's float. float-literal: integer-literal digit digit* "." digit* "." digit digit*
- 1: Not a=b is always interpreted as a not-expr, binding as Not (a=b). This grammar rule just allows -Not a=b, which is interpreted as (-(Not a)) = b.
- 2: these are the boolean literals
- 3: this is a float literal
- 4: . and -> have essentially the same meaning. However, because the dot can also be part of names, a.b is always interpreted as a single identifier. To access member b of object a, use a->b.