This file is located in the resource directory of your PCC2 directory (C:\Programs\PCC2\resource in Windows, /usr/local/share/planets in Unix). Typically, it does not exist and you must create it as a text file. This file can be used to configure resources (images).

Each line contains one link to a resource package. Empty lines and lines starting with ";" are ignored.

  • res:file.res
    file.res is the name of a PCC 1.x resource file which is used to provide ship, base, planet, and fighter images.
  • wp:dir
    dir points at a Winplan "bmp" directory which provides ship images.
  • wpvcr:file.dll
    file.dll is the name of a Winplan "wpvcr.dll" file which provides ship images for the VCR.
  • dir:dir
    dir points at a PCC2 resource directory.

A line that does not match any of these formats is treated as the name of a PCC 1.x resource file (as in PCC 1.x).


See also:
Configuration Introduction
This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at